The Associations History
The Maine Snowmobile Association has been an active and involved part of the Maine outdoors since 1968.
From an initial meeting of six dedicated snowmobilers, the MSA has grown to include thousands of snowmobilers across the state and beyond. Club members throughout Maine work locally, regionally and at the state level to promote snowmobiling in Maine as a safe, fun, family oriented winter sport. Over 2100 businesses support the trails effort through their membership.
Members of local clubs accept responsibility for trail clearing, bridge building, maintenance, signing and grooming that help to keep the Maine trail system open. One of the clubs’ most important duties is obtaining landowner permission for access, and maintaining contact with the generous people who allow snowmobile trails to cross their property.

Club Members
Each of the 280+/- clubs of the association is entitled to representation on the MSA Board of Directors, which meets seven times each year. Director representation is based on membership – every club is entitled to one director – clubs with more than 50 members have two directors, over 100 members have three directors, and so on. During the 2018-19 season, there were 392 MSA club directors and alternates eligible to vote at the monthly Directors meetings. The Officers of the Association are elected by the Directors each year at the MSA Annual Meeting.
MSA Office
The MSA office has a fulltime office staff, including a lobbyist, based in the state capital of Augusta. Services include representing the Association before the media, Maine legislature, state agencies and our Congressional delegation; producing a newspaper (The Maine Snowmobiler), an annual tourism publication (the Snowmobile Maine Guide), safety publications and the annual map of the Interconnected Trail System. The MSA produces the annual Maine Snowmobile Show, and distributes information to members through an email alert system, website and Facebook presence. The MSA is represented by staff and volunteers on numerous formal and informal groups and organizations involved in trail development, landowner/access issues, recreation, tourism and legislative concerns.
The MSA offices are located at 7 Noyes Street Place in Augusta, Maine.
Drop by, write us at PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332, call 207-622-6983 or Contact Us.

Members Giving Back
Many clubs are involved in charity work, raising funds and donating man-hours to the work and events of charitable organizations. The MSA Scholarship Fund, Inc. has awarded tens of thousands of dollars in assistance to association member students pursuing higher education.